Ramaholimihaso T, Bouazzaoui F, Kaladjian A. Oxidative stress: Harms and benefits for human health. Antioxidant potential of curcumin-a meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials.

Jakubczyk K, Drużga A, Katarzyna J, et al. Anti-inflammatory effects of curcumin in the inflammatory diseases: Status, limitations and countermeasures. While curcumin might be effective for osteoarthritis of the knee, I’d like to see more and longer-term studies in osteoarthritis and other types of joint disease, as well as more extensive testing of its safety, before recommending it.National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. Studies of this sort are vitally important in trying to understand whether dietary changes can be helpful for arthritis. Weight loss as a side effect of taking curcumin might be a problem for those who are already lean. It’s worth noting that reports of lead contamination in turmeric have been recently published. So, information regarding purity, strength, and potential interaction with other medications or diseases is typically limited for treatments like curcumin. Over-the-counter dietary supplements ("nutriceuticals") are not tested or regulated the way prescription drugs are.For younger or older people, those with other medical problems, or those taking multiple medications, the results might have been different. For example, this study enrolled adults ages 38 to 65 and excluded those with significant kidney or stomach disease. We don’t know how well curcumin would work, or if it would be safe, for the types of people excluded from this study.This can sometimes bias the results by changing expectations of side effects or benefit. The study was unblinded - that is, study participants and researchers knew who was getting curcumin and who was getting the NSAID.The results of this study might have been different if another NSAID or a different dose or formulation of diclofenac had been compared with curcumin. In addition, the diclofenac used in this study was uncoated (even though there is a coated formulation designed to be easier on the stomach).

For example, none of the study subjects taking curcumin needed treatment for stomach trouble, but 28% of those taking diclofenac needed treatment.

When all else fails, joint replacement surgery can be highly effective. Injected steroids or synthetic lubricants can be tried as well. In fact, often they don’t work at all, or help only a little. While there are treatments available - exercise, braces or canes, loss of excess weight, various pain relievers and anti-inflammatory medicines - these are no cures, and none of the treatments are predictably effective. But it can begin in middle age or even sooner, especially if there’s been an injury to the joint. Usually, it occurs among people of advanced age. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease that is the most common type of arthritis.